Friday, May 28, 2010

Imaginary trip

Hello Dear Students,
   As I promised I am posting the new journal topic today.    You have to answer the following question: If you could take a trip anywhere in the world where would it be and why?   You have from 250-500 words to answer the prompt.

Good luck!

Prof. Eva

Friday, May 14, 2010

What a surprise! Journal #1

Hello Guys!
    It was so good to see you again.  It was really a surprise that you were not able to experience real pre-writing.  I want you to read this information, and watch this presentation.

After that, post a summary of five lines of what you saw, using your own words.  Write any questions that you still may have.

A new Adventure starts

Hello Dear Students,

Today, we start a new course: Written Communication III. I know that writing is considered difficult, but I hope you are willing to explore the new lands of writing, and start with me this new adventure.
Welcome Aboard!!!

Prof. Eva M. Ramos R.